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Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance

CCSF member Christian Huggel organized the annual meeting of the UZH-ETH Network on Interdisciplinary Climate Research

The Annual meeting of the UZH-ETH Network on Interdisciplinary Climate Research was held on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 9:00 to 12:00 at the UZH Irchel Campus. The event was also available for online participation via a Zoom link. The meeting focused on two main topics: progress in climate science and policy and the climate crisis in teaching.

During the first part of the event, experts in the field of climate science and policy presented their findings and updates on current progress and challenges. Axel Michaelowa spoke on COP27, Tony Patt on progress in climate and energy laws in Switzerland, and Sonia Seneviratne on the Swiss science-policy process in the field of climate.

The second part of the meeting explored the topic of the climate crisis in teaching. Christine Lötscher shared experiences from a student seminar on climate fiction, and Eslem Demirel and Ghjulia Sialelli provided student perspectives on how to approach students about the climate emergency and eco-anxiety. Jeanette Behringer also discussed the development of a new Minor in Sustainable Development with elements of transformative processes.
